Badehusene ved Tisvildeleje Strand
Tisvildeleje Strand en skøn sommerdag.
Photo:Daniel Overbeck&Nikolaj Danielsen

Welcome to North Zealand

The perceptions of North Zealand are multiple. We would like to share our perception of North Zealand with you: The coast. Nature. The history. The culture. North Zealand is full of great and small experiences, activities and events all year. How do you perceive North Zealand?

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Without food and drink

Do not forget the most important thing: You must taste North Zealand: the good life, the excellent food, the good drinks and the unforgettable experiences. When you want to satisfy your hunger, you can enjoy the food and cosiness in one of the authentic harbour towns or one of the two castle towns. The local food producers supply fresh ingredients with juice, power and flavour grown and bred with respect for craftsmanship and animal welfare. Find them in farm shops, harvest markets, and selected restaurants in North Zealand. 

Sommerferieoplevelser til børn i Nordsjælland

Sommerferien i Nordsjælland er fyldt med spændende aktiviteter for børn. Besøg Esrum Kloster for en sommerferie med historiske oplevelser og sjove workshops. I uge 30 byder Liseleje på en række familievenlige aktiviteter i byen og ved stranden. Oplev kongelig historie og skattejagt på Frederiksborg Slot. Tag på tangsafari i Lynæs og udforsk livet i havet. Deltag i middelalderdagen på Æbelholt Klosterruin med ridderlege og håndværk. Afslut med en spændende gådejagt i Frederiksværk, hvor hele familien kan være med til at løse mysterier.

Cultural beacons, strong history and unique cultural heritage

Get close to Danish history when the royal castles of North Zealand welcome you into a world of pomp and grandeur. Here, powerful tales of Danish history and cultural heritage await, stories you don't want to miss. The castle gardens serve as green sanctuaries, open to everyone, adorned with garden art and inspiration for all gardening enthusiasts. The proximity to Copenhagen and the diverse natural landscape has always attracted artists and creative minds.

Few places in Denmark offer such a rich concentration of art and cultural experiences. Encounter international landmarks of modern art and architecture and be captivated by distinguished art collections. Explore quaint galleries and meet talented artisans who open their workshops to visitors