Magnificent Summer Pictures From North Zealand

Photo: Nikolaj Danielsen

Can't you get enough of summer either? Of the sun's rays on your face, long walks on the beach, the bright nights, and endless vacation days? We've gathered a lot of summer vibes for you - scroll down the page and see the best pictures from summer in North Zealand, Denmark.

There are many cozy beach houses in North Zealand, Denmark

Photo: Sarah Rønholt
Photo: Sarah Rønholt

A swan glides over the water at Nivå Harbour

Photo:Nikolaj Danielsen

Blue sky and cumulus clouds at Rågeleje Beach

Photo:Nikolaj Danielsen

The Little Ferry sails past Frederiksborg Castle in the summer heat

Photo:Tine Uffelmann

Bright summer nights in nature

Photo:Sarah Green

The wind is rustling through the grass, and the sun is setting over the hiking trail Halsninoen

Photo:Daniel Villadsen

Sweden can be seen from the hills of Heatherhill

Photo: Ann Jørgensen
Photo: Ann Jørgensen

Children and adults frolic in the waves at Tisvildeleje Beach

Photo:Sarah Rønholt