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Shrovetide at the Nivaagaard Collection – Art, Stories, and Barrel Beating

Shrovetide is celebrated with a cosy family day at the Art Collection. The day includes an exciting guided tour of the museum's exhibitions, sharing stories about old Shrovetide traditions. Afterwards, children and the young at heart can take part in the traditional barrel beating in front of the museum. Come as you are—or better yet, in costume—and enjoy a festive day in the spirit of art!

Experience Shrovetide through Art and Stories

Family Tour in the Museum’s Exhibitions

Join a fascinating tour of the museum’s collection, where the history and traditions of Shrovetide come to life through art. The exhibitions feature stories of people and customs from the past, making this a special and immersive experience.

Traditional Barrel Beating for Everyone

After the guided tour, the festivities continue outside the Art Collection with the traditional barrel beating. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun as participants compete to become the Cat King or Cat Queen.

Don't miss this chance for a fun and educational day filled with culture, traditions, and festive Shrovetide experiences!