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Summer Holiday Activities for Children at Frederiksborg Castle

From June 28th to August 11th, you can explore Frederiksborg Castle through exciting activities. Visit Frederiksborg Castle during the summer holidays and enjoy activities for both children and adults. Sculpture workshops, historical costumes, and a special guide for children of all ages await you, so you can discover the magical details on your own.

The castle, which is the largest Renaissance castle in Northern Europe, offers a wealth of details and history for the whole family to enjoy. Visit the National History Museum and experience thousands of portraits, objects, and paintings.

Activities for Children at Frederiksborg Castle

Exploration Journey in the Castle

Embark on a journey of discovery through the many rooms and halls of Frederiksborg Castle. Children can explore the castle’s details with a special guide designed for families with children. The tour covers the entire castle, from the Chapel and the Knight’s Hall to the Baroque Garden and Louise’s Island by the small Bathhouse. Age Group: The whole family, including teenagers and younger children.

Sculpture Workshop in "Gods Recreated"

Get inspired by the sculptures in the "Gods Recreated" exhibition and try your hand at sculpture art. Both children and adults can draw sketches and shape figures from self-hardening clay. Opening Hours: The sculpture workshop is open daily from 1:00 PM to 4:45 PM. Clay sculptures cost 25 DKK per participant. Sketch drawing from 10:00 AM to 4:45 PM is free. Program changes may occur. Age Group: All ages.

Draw Rockets and Astronaut Portraits

Visitors can draw their astronaut portrait of Andreas Mogensen or rockets in the exhibition, inspired by the Danish astronaut. Age Group: All ages.

Try on Historical Costumes

Children can try on historical costumes recreated from portraits in the museum. This activity takes place daily during the summer school holidays from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Age Group: 3-10 years, depending on size.

The Little Ferry and the Castle Gardens

Take a ride on the M/S Frederiksborg on the castle lake and experience the castle from the water. The ferry departs every half hour and stops at the Rose Garden, the Square, and the Baroque Garden. A trip lasts about 25 minutes. Explore the Baroque Garden with its mazes, fragrant flora, and bubbling fountains. In the romantic landscape garden, you can find winding paths and canals leading back to the castle.

Animal Hunt in the Castle

Find the hidden animals in the ceilings of Frederiksborg Castle. Look for pheasants, foxes, deer, and other animals hiding in the artwork and ceilings. Age Group: 4-8 years.

Practical Information

  • Date: June 28th - August 11th, 2024. Every day from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Admission: Adults 110 DKK | Children 0-18 years: Free | Seniors/Students 90 DKK
  • Buy Tickets