Unikke Mødesteder i Nordsjælland

Try a historical meeting in North Zealand: Castles, monasteries, and cannon foundries await you

Photo: Ann Jørgensen

Historical meetings in North Zealand: Experience the charm of castles, monasteries, and cannon foundries, where the spirit of the past creates a unique setting for your events. Give your guests an unforgettable experience.

The culturehouse in Frederiksværk
© VisitNorthZealandPhoto: Gjethuset
A large circle of light evocatively illustrates the monks' daily life at Esrum Abbey
© VisitNorthZealandPhoto: Tine Uffelmann

Do you want your guests to leave with a truly special memory? Then, hold your meeting at one of the historical castles, a monastery, a cannon foundry, or an inn with the King as a neighbour. The places where you can feel the history in the walls are unique to North Zealand. You also get some outdoor settings as a bonus, which can add an extra touch to your event.